RKC Russian Kettlebell (Dragon Door) Review

RKC Russian Kettlebell (Dragon Door)

  • Powerful tool to aid weight loss and muscle gain
  • Official RKC Russian Kettlebell
  • Weight in lbs and in kgs on each Kettlebell
  • Rust Resistant & Smooth, comfortable grip

The Official RKC, Military-Grade Kettlebell—Durable, Resilient and Perfectly Designed to Give You Years of Explosive Gains in Strength, Endurance and Power The 16kg (35lbs.) RKC Russian Kettlebell is Dragon Door’s most popular kettlebell and is the ideal size for most men and for stronger women to jumpstart their cardio, conditioning and strength programs. Men and stronger women can use the 35lb kettlebell to train themselves effectively in the many excellent drills you’ll find in Pavel’s classic book and DVD, Enter the Kettlebell! Drgon Door and Pavel Tsatsouline re-introduced kettlebells to the US with their uniquely designed 35lb cast iron kettlebell—and it has remained our most popular kettlebell. Why? Even a man of average initial strength can immediately start using the 35lb kettlebell for two-handed swings and quickly gravitate to one-handed swings, followed by jerks, cleans and snatches. Within a few weeks you can expect to see spectacular gains in overall strength and conditioning—and for many—significant fat loss. Stronger men and more experienced weightlifters and powerlifters can use the 35lb kettlebell to train themselves effectively in the many excellent drills you’ll find in Pavel’s classic book and DVD, Enter the Kettlebell!. The 35 lb kettlebell quickly becomes a favorite for women too, once they have built up their strength using Dragon Door’s lighter kettlebells. (Women, we recommend you start with either the 26lb kettlebell or the 18lb kettlebell initially.)
